What is the link between endometriosis and infertility?

Des études démontreraient qu’il y a un lien possible entre l’endométriose et l’infertilité. Si ce lien n’est pas totalement défini, on constate que 30 à 50% des femmes souffrant d’endométriose souffrent d’infertilité. L’infertilité se définit comme l’incapacité de concevoir après un an d’essais réguliers sans méthode contraceptive. Aucune femme ne sait avec certitude si elle pourra avoir un enfant un jour, mais la femme atteinte d’endométriose peut supposer que l’atteinte de ses organes reproducteurs puisse jouer en sa défaveur. Bien que le lien entre l’endométriose et l’infertilité ne soit toujours pas bien défini, les experts confirment que de 30 à 50 % des femmes endométriosiques souffrent d’infertilité. Il est suggéré que de 20 à 30 % des femmes stériles souffriraient en fait d’une endométriose asymptomatique.

How does endometriosis affect fertility?

Several mechanisms seem to be involved in the difficulty of conceiving a child. Anatomical obstacles are easily conceivable. The egg must be able to travel freely through the fallopian tube in order to be fertilised by a sperm. If the path is obstructed by endometriotic lesions or pelvic adhesions, surgery will be necessary to allow its passage. Other important factors are endometriotic ovarian cysts, which can reduce the egg supply, endocrine abnormalities such as anovulation and dysovulation (poor quality egg), and thyroid or pituitary disorders (hyperprolactinemia). In addition, fertility is negatively affected by exposure to certain environmental contaminants and stress.

Natural approaches to promote the "baby project"

Several lifestyle changes can improve the chances of conceiving a child. These are aimed at supporting the function and health of the reproductive, endocrine and immune systems, as endometriosis is known to be a complex disease that affects the body at all these levels.

Setting the stage

When you are confronted with a disease such as endometriosis, the whole body suffers. In fact, many people think of it as a fouling disease where the body cannot excrete its waste products quickly enough. Medicinal plants can optimize the functioning of the liver (where the breakdown of hormones takes place) and kidneys, and purify the blood. A cleansing cure and the addition of digestive enzymes aim to reduce inflammation, promote better blood flow to the reproductive system and reduce pain.

Avoid exposure to environmental toxins

Several harmful substances from the environment act as endocrine disruptors and contribute to the proliferation of endometriosis. Several of these toxins act like estrogen; they are xenoestrogens (from the Greek xeno for foreigner). This completely disrupts normal hormonal activity. Xenoestrogens are implicated in the development of certain cancers, infertility, ovarian cysts, miscarriages, etc. Xenoestrogens are found in food (eat organic food), herbicides, pesticides, solvents, preservatives, cigarette smoke, paints, PVC products, plastic containers, air and water pollution, etc.


Several foods have a direct link to endometriosis. The diet should aim to counter inflammation (decrease pain), minimize estrogen production and support the immune system. Fruits and vegetables, fibre that helps excrete excess estrogen and essential fatty acids (fatty fish, olive, flax or avocado oil, seeds and nuts) should be favoured.  For more details, see the article Endometriosis: Food to the rescue.

Restoring hormonal balance

The addition of bio-identical progesterone cream helps thousands of women to limit circulating estrogen levels and reduce the symptoms of endometriosis. It is suggested to use 40 to 60 mg of progesterone cream from day 6 to day 28 for a 28-day cycle. When the symptoms are under control (may take several months) and you are ready to start the baby project, you start the application from ovulation only. It is recommended to continue its use during the first three months of pregnancy and to gradually decrease it. Since endometriosis is a complex disease with many causes, its treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach. By following the principles mentioned above, the woman puts all the chances on her side in order to regress her disease and have the joy of giving birth one day.
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